
The most appropriate geophysical measurement methods for large-scale high-resolution archaeological prospection are magnetometer measurements and ground penetrating radar surveys. Regarding remote sensing methods, appart from aerial photography (both oblique- and ortho-photos) are airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral scanning promising method for the digital detection, mapping and documentation of buried archaeological sites and remaining traces in the topography. While some of these methods, such as magnetometry and aerial photography, look back at several decades of development and use, have others only recently been introducted into archaeology.

The primary purpose of the case study is the test and development of new, highly efficient prospection methods. Traditionally geophysical prospection methods have been used manually, permitting only slow measurement progress. Using multichannel motorized magnetometer and ground penetrating radar systems and exact satellite positioning sytsems is has become possible to map large areas quickly and with very high resolution.

Remote sensing methods

Remote sensing referes to all aerial sensor technologies, in contrast to the ground based geophysical prospection methods.

Aerial photography

Airborne laser scanning

Airborne imaging spectroscopy

Geophysical prospection methods

Near-surface geophysical prospection can under suitable conditions be used to gain information about the physical properties of the subsurface.

Magnetic prospection

Magnetic susceptibility measurements

Ground penetrating radar (GPR)

Data interpretation & analysis

Special data processing, visualisation and analysis methods are being tested and developed.

Data processing

Data interpretation