The case study and its results are presented at scientific conferences, in peer-reviewed and popular articles, and at public presentations. The following publications and media reports have appeared so far:
Doneus, M. (2013): Die hinterlassene Landschaft - Prospektion und Interpretation in der Landschaftsarchäologie. Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission 78, Wien: Verl. der Österr. Akad. d. Wiss.
Doneus, M.; Briese, C. (2011): Airborne Laser Scanning in Forested Areas - Potential and Limitations of an Archaeological Prospection Technique. In: D. Cowley (Ed.): Remote Sensing for Archaeological Heritage Management. Proceedings of the 11th EAC Heritage Management Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland, 25.-27.03.2010. Budapest: Archaeolingua; EAC (Occasional Publication of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group, 3), 53-76.
Doneus, M.; Briese, C.; Fera, M.; Janner, M. (2008): Archaeological prospection of forested areas using full-waveform airborne laser scanning. Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 2008, 882-893.
Doneus, M.; Briese, C.; Kühtreiber, T. (2008): Flugzeuggetragenes Laserscanning als Werkzeug der archäologischen Kulturlandschaftsforschung. Das Fallbeispiel "Wüste" bei Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge, Niederösterreich. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 38(1), 2008, 137-156.
Doneus, M.; Briese, C.; Studnicka, N. (2010): Analysis of Full-Waveform ALS Data by Simultaneously Acquired TLS Data: Towards an Advanced DTM Generation in Wooded Areas. In: W. Wagner and B. Székely (Eds.): 100 Years ISPRS, Advancing Remote Sensing Science. ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium. Vienna, 05.-07.07.2010 (The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B), 193-198.
Doneus M.; Kühtreiber T. (2013): Airborne laser scanning and archaeological interpretation - bringing back the people. In: Opitz R., Cowley D., Interpreting archaeological topography - airborne laser scanning, 3D data and ground observation. Oxbow Books (Oxford), 32-50.
Doneus M.; Kühtreiber T. (2013): Landscape, the Individual, and Society: Subjective Expected Utilities in a Monastic Landscape near Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge, Lower Austria. Natascha Mehler (ed.), Historical Archaeology in Central Europe. Society of Historical Archaeology Special Publications 9, 339-364.