The Team
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute ArchPro
Wolfgang Neubauer, project initiator, archaeologist, archaeological prospection expert and director of the LBI ArchPro
Klaus Löcker, case study Stonehenge leader, archaeologist and archaeological prospection expert
Mario Wallner, field director, celtologist, experienced ranger and archaeological surveyor
Geert Verhoeven, aerial archaeologist, remote sensing expert and professional photographer
Erich Nau, archaeologist, geophysical archaeological prospection expert
Manuel Gabler, archaeologist, PhD candidate IC ArcPro, experienced archaeological prospector
Alois Hinterleitner, software engineer, data processing and visualization specialist
Immo Trinks, geophysicist, archaeological prospection expert
Thomas Zitz, skilled expert for system design and hardware development
Michael Doneus, landscape archaeologist, remote sensing and aerial archaeology expert
Agata Klimczyk/Lugmayr, remote sensing and airborne laser scanning expert
Vlad Sandici, computer science engineer, experienced prospection hardware and software developer
Jakob Kainz, archaeologist, PhD candidate IC ArchPro, experienced archaeological prospector
Ranko Manojlovic, archaeologist, PhD candidate, experienced archaeological prospector
Julia Wilding, archaeologist and experienced archaeological prospector
Viktor Jansa, archaeologist, PhD candidate, experienced archaeological prospector
Alexandra Vonkilch, archaeologist and expoerienced archaeological prospector
Sebastian Flöry, geometer, experienced archaeological prospector
Christopher Sevara, archaeologist and remote sensing expert, PhD candidate IC ArchPro
Roland Filzwieser, historian, PhD candidate, experienced archaeological prospector
Tanja Trausmuth, archaeologist and experienced prospection expert
Joachim Brandtner, interactive animation and 3D visualization expert
Juan Torrejón-Valdelomar, archaeologist and 3D visualization expert
Elisabeth Schadek, adminsitration and accounting specialist with handson prospection experience
Matthias Kucera, physicist, archaeologist, prospection and 3D laser scanning expert
Matthias Nöster, accountant and project management
Guglielmo Strapazzon, archaeologist, PhD candidate and prospection expert
Lisa Aldrian, prospection assistant
Nico Neubauer, prospection assistant
Rubina Bergauer, prospection assistant
Olivia Senk, prospection assistant
Jutta Rasel, prospection assistant
Erik Zitz, prospection assistant
University of Bradford
Vincent Gaffney, project initiator, national project leader, director VISTA, archaeologist and expert on the Stonhenge landscape
Christopher Gaffney, archaeological geophysicist, international prospection expert
Tom Sparrow, archaeologist, software and hardware designer
Robert Fry, archaeological geophysicist
University of Birmingham
Eamonn Baldwin, archaeologist, 3D laser scanning and archaeological prospection expert, national project coordinator
Henry Chapman, landscape archaeologist and digital visualisation expert
Paul Garwood, archaeologist and expert on the Stonehenge landscape
Helen Moulden, 3D laser scanning expert
Phil Murgatroyd, 3D visualisation expert and archaeological prospector
Ron Yorston, software engineer
University of St Andrews
Richard Bates, Earth scientist and geophysicist
University of Nottingham (Ningbo, China)
Eugene Ch’ng, Computer scientist, agent-based modelling and complexity science expert
University of Lampeter
Martin Bates, Archaeologist and geomorphologist
University of Ghent (ORBit)
Marc Van Meirvenne, Soil and Earth scientist, proximal soil sensing expert
Philippe De Smedt, Geophysicist, Geoarchaeologist
Timothy Saey, Geophysicist, Bio-engineer