The case study and its results are presented at scientific conferences, in peer-reviewed and popular articles, and at public presentations. The following publications and media reports have appeared so far:
Popular publications
- Manuel Gabler & Immo Trinks. Large scale archaeological prospection of the Iron Age central place Uppåkra in Sweden. The newsletter of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection, 20:6-8, 2012.
Scientific publications
- Manuel Gabler. Archäologische Prospektion der eisenzeitlichen Siedlung Uppåkra in Südschweden. Diploma thesis, University of Vienna, 2011.
- Carolina Ask. Interpreting in 3D. Employing 3D modeling in field archaeology from research and public communication perspectives. Master's Thesis based on GPR prospection results, Lund University, 2012.
- Viberg Andreas, Trinks Immo, Liden Kerstin. A Review of the Use of Geophysical Archaeological Prospection in Sweden. Archaeological Prospection, 18:43-56, 2011.
Conference contributions
- EAA 2012: Large-scale archaeological prospection of Iron Age Central Places in Sweden. Immo Trinks, Erich Nau, Klaus Löcker, Manuel Gabler, Michael Pregesbauer, Anders Biwall, Lars Larsson, Michael Doneus and Wolfgang Neubauer. Abstract programme, p. 119. Helsinki, August 30th 2012.
- CAA-SE 2011: Anders Biwall, Manuel Gabler, Alois Hinterleitner, Pär Karlsson, Matthias Kucera, Lars Larsson, Klaus Löcker, Erich Nau, Wolfgang Neubauer, Daniel Scherzer, Håkan Thoren, Immo Trinks, Mario Wallner, Thomas Zitz: Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden - First results of the LBI-ArchPro landscape archaeological case study. Uppsala, November 11th 2011.
- 9th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection: Large-scale archaeological prospection of the Iron and Viking Age site Uppåkra in Sweden. First results of the LBI-ArchPro landscape archaeological case study. Anders Biwall, Manuel Gabler, Alois Hinterleitner, Pär Karlsson, Matthias Kucera, Lars Larsson, Klaus Löcker, Erich Nau, Wolfgang Neubauer, Daniel Scherzer, Håkan Thoren, Immo Trinks, Mario Wallner, Thomas Zitz. Izmir, September 23rd 2011.
Media reports
- Historien upp till ytan med spetsteknik. DIK Forum 2011 NR 4.
- Ny teknik snabbar på utgrävningar. Sydsvenskan, August 25th 2010.
- Uppåkra snart kartlagt. Skånskan, August 24th 2010.
- Spaden tar vid efter radarn. Sydsvenskan, September 22th 2013.
- Arkeologistudenter gräver fram historia. Skånskan, September 20th 2013.
Other publications
- Short video clip showing magnetic prospection at Uppåkra.
- Short video clip showing a manual GPR survey in front of Uppåkra churchyard.
- Photo in Antiquity 86 (2011) p. 614 showing state-of-the-art magnetometer prospection at Uppåkra.
- Arkeologi utan spade. Poster presented at Uppåkra Museum 2011.
- Magnetometerprospektering. Poster presented at Uppåkra Museum 2011.
- Georadarprospektering. Poster presented at Uppåkra Museum 2011.
- 3D Laserskanning. Poster presented at Uppåkra Museum 2011.